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Answers with Tag: zina

On which hand and finger should a man wear his silver ring? Can you please clarify, since some people are saying it is wrong to wear the ring on the left hand?

I have problems with watching porn. So i thought about watching animated porn is that jaiz as long as you dont end up masturbating? please answer since one cannot look at the girls.

1) i want to know the ruling regarding the person who has watched pornography and masturbated at the same time. does this certain act carry punishment in shariahlike… 2) 2) Also what is the Sharii ruling and gravity of punnishment for someone chatting on the net and talk dirty and masturbate at the same time.

Some time ago i made zina and a a child was born out of wedlock, i made sincere thauba and regreted my mistake. my child is now 4

If a married man commit Zina and later he realizes the mistake and honestly ask Tawba from Allah, Will he get Hur-Ul-Iyne in Janna ?

An unmarried cousin of mine committed zina a few times but has repented seriously and has never ever comitted this sin again.How should she repent? Can she be forgiven if she truly repents? How does she feel normal again!

During her teenage years, she committed Zina!…would it be permissable for me to marry this girl?

I have a Christian girlfriend. We both have committed Zina. Now with each other and before with others. She had boyfriends and I had girlfriends and I lived a single life in which I committed Zina as well. I pray and make dua…

Is hugging and kissing with a girl before marriage sin?…. What would be the punishment for it?. How to repent it ?.. Is that punishment applied to her?.

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I married a Christian woman who converted to Islam. When I married her she was still married but separated from her Christian husband for more than 6 months…..

Is having a online chat is consider zenya.. even if u werent talkin about somethin bad…is day dreaming about sex is haram..

I m going to get engaged with a grl whom my parents & her parents knows very well, we quite often kiss eash other passionatly … Is this Zina?

Is this allowed to have some “general chat”(no love talks) between engaged couple on SMS only ?

A young fellow and a young girl wanted to get married to stay away from the zina. But you advised the boy that if he can not support his wife then he should restraint and control his desires by fasting?!?