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Answers with Tag: Women

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1. Is it allowed for women to ride horses… 2. I read in Talimul haq that when imam who is musafir finish his two rakat in zohar and asr ther rest of the brothers dont say surah fatiha or any other surah. Please can you send me proof for that too?

Isn’t the way the women pay different from man? Came across the ruling that speaks otherwise, please explain!

Can a married women have relations with other than his husband, can she have sex with a person who is INTO husband’s blood relations.

Since we live in society now run by single mothers and father’s role is insignificant and that society are doing well where women are doing well in both roles of fathers and…

A) Is it okay if I wear hair weaves (fake hairs)? B) If my health does not allow for me to grow hairs properly, is it okay for me to wear hair weaves? C) I feel so less of woman and I cry too much when looking in mirror and I feel big embarrassment for…

Is it permissible for Females to wear Permenant or Non Permenant` Artificial Nails?

Cutting hair

My sister is married to a guy in the USA a year ago and her husband said word “divorce” twice, after few months later he said 3rd time “divorce

1. I wanted to know why arent women allowed to cut their hair? 2. Are small kids under the age of 9-10 allowed to cut their hair? 3. Am I allowed to keep it long but give it stylish cuts (faceframe, layers etc)

My wife has a bit of bushy eye brows, which I don’t like that much. Can I ask her to trim them?

During her teenage years, she committed Zina!…would it be permissable for me to marry this girl?

1) can a women pray by putting hair bun(juda)? 2) if my child is continously crying and im offering salah can i lift him and offer salah ? 3) what are sunnah, wajibaat ,and fard in namaz?

Some women came before the isha jamaat and they performed salaatul isha with jamaat.After that , our imam came to know about this, and he objected to the fact that women were praying in jamaat behind him

Can a group of women perform Juma prayer, one of them being Imam, in a gathering at someone’s home?….Is it necessary to offer eight rakaas to offer Tahajjud. How many rakkas are recommended to offer Tahajaud prayer