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Answers with Tag: Women

Are women allowed to use the coil for medical reasons, such as heavy bleeding…

In islam is it permissable for a women to go to other state & stay there in hostel & complete her P.G?…is it permissable to read QURAA’N during the makrooh time?

Are Women allowed to wear gold bangles/gold rings ?

I would like to ask u one query does mangalsutra or kaali pooth ka maala is permissible in islam or not whether a muslin women can wear it ?

Mufti saab I wasnt to ask that shoul women also shave/remove their unwanted hairs before going for haj or omrah as it is required for men. And is it required for womens also to remove their unwanted hairs atleast once in 40 days.

It necessary or even desirable for a woman to cover her head whilst the Qur’aan is being recited or whilst the adhaan is being given or whilst a dars/lecture is being imparted?

I was wondering if girls my age are allowed to dye their hair…For hair removal is it acceptable for a girl to get her underarms waxed by another female?

Please advise if it is permissible for women to wear leather clothings?

1) have been told that it is haram for women to shave the pubic hair…2) are we allowed to use toothpase with alcohol in it, to cure gum desease?

Does it take you out of the fold of Islaam to think that Allah(swt) doesn’t care about you? Or what if you have that “tawakkul” sufis always talk about? Does that constitute kufr?

Some body is doing jadoo tuna so wat we have to do (or elaj )?wat i have to recite from quran ?pls help me out

What does the Quran say about a muslim guy marrying a hindu women?

I get marriage who belived Cristian and i believed muslim my question is that can i marrage that whomen who believed other religios,Jaej?

Can you please tell me how a muslim girl is allowed to tie her hair…And is a women allowed to wear sandals outside the house when her cloak falls below her ankles.Thank You.May Allah reward you well.

Is it permissable to masturbate?