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Answers with Tag: Wives

Ladies in Jihad

Two Wives and Inheritance

Female Studying

Women’s Prayer: Why is it different?

The Fiqh of Voluntary (Nafl) Prayers: An exposition of the prayers not directly related to the

Permanent Hair Removal 

The Fiqh of Lost & Found: What are the rules pertaining to lost and found goods?

Is it permitted for women to remove hair on their cheeks?   

The Sunna as Primordiality

How does one interpret the hadith where the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) ignore

Zakat: Two Wives & More

Speaking Ill of Scholars

Understanding Two Key Concepts

The Fiqh of Friday Prayer 

I was surfing the net and found a website for gay (homosexual) Muslims. They claimed that the Quran says nothing about homosexuality being a sin, nor does it say anything about having sex outside marriage. They claim that the word adultery refers to a free, married woman having intercourse with someone else than her husband. I am quite confused about what they are claiming!