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Answers with Tag: Wives

Niqaab: Obligatory or Optional?

Status of wearing niqaab in Islam

The Nikaah of Nabi (S.A.W) to Hazrat Aasiyah (R.A) in Jannah: Hadith Evidence for Bearded Witnesses?

Being appointed as a trustee of a wealthy man

Sending one’s wife to live with her in-laws

How many wives did the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam have?

Marrying a woman and her paternal or maternal aunt at the same time

The wives of the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam being purified by Allah

Why Can’t a Man Marry His Wife’s Sister?

Dividing an Estate for Inheritance

Is the name Māriyah suitable?

Marriage of underage girls

Query regarding the name “Shaheen”

Birth Control

Marrying divorced sister in law