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Answers with Tag: wine

The Sunna as Primordiality

Ghusl from Pork or Wine (And: ‘How does one repent?’ 

Thinking of another in Bed

Renting Property To Those Who Will Sell Alcohol, or Delivering Pizzas with Pork

Can I take an alcohol-based herbal tincture to be able to nurse my baby?

Is it permissible to wear the Liverpool football club jersey, as it has the Carlsberg logo as i

Taking homeopathic medicine with brandy

Inheriting from my non-Muslim mother who owns a pub?  

Can one consume food with white wine vinegar?

Is it permitted to eat food which contains white wine extract?

Is it permissible to accept money from the lottery?

Is it sufficient to pronounce the name of Allah Most High to make the meat lawful to consume?

Showering instead of full baths (ghusl) or wudu

I was surfing the net and found a website for gay (homosexual) Muslims. They claimed that the Quran says nothing about homosexuality being a sin, nor does it say anything about having sex outside marriage. They claim that the word adultery refers to a free, married woman having intercourse with someone else than her husband. I am quite confused about what they are claiming!

Vows and Oaths