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Answers with Tag: Wali

Dealing with Name Teasing and Discrimination: My Struggle as Bayazid Ali

Marital and domestic problems

Depression ke lia wazifa

Permission of the wali for nikaah (Shafi’ee)

The Islamic Belief on Khidr: Prophet, Angel, or Wali?

A few janaazah related questions

Repeating the janazah salaah

Who is responsible to divide the estate?

Who is responsible for the division of the estate

Consent of the wali

Who is responsible for carrying out the funeral rights?

Tahreem: The Meaning and Controversy Surrounding this Name for Girls

Who is the wali of the mayyit

The Islamic Significance of the Taj Mahal: Separating Fact from Fiction

Should a Father/Wali Ask for a Baaligh Girl’s Permission Before Marriage?