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Answers with Tag: turban

Can Anyone Wear a Turban? Are There Styles Specific for Scholars?

Scholars, Students of Sacred Knowledge and Poverty

Question: Assalam ‘Alaykum, What is the position of the Shafi’i Madhhab in regards to wearing an ‘Amaamah [Turban]? Country: Canada

Islam: Religion of Love

Despair Not of God’s Grace

Is hunting meat without a hunting license still halal?

What are the Sunnat length of Imama? what are the sunnah colours of Imama? Mufti Rasheed Ahmed says that ‘black imama’ is not a sunnah

What to with Dreams ?

Bringing infants to the Masjid and let them play or let them sit in front of them while praying.

Is it wajib to wear a topi?

Are there any Ahadith regarding wearing of a head covering by men (1) at all times, (2) during Salaat (prayer), (3) while reading or listening Qur’an, (4) while eating?

Is it permissible to wear a topi instead of an amama?

Is it Sunnah to Cover the Head while Eating or Drinking?

Is 12 Tasbih Zikr allowed in congregations?

What was Prophet Muhammad’s dress like?