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Answers with Tag: Tayammum

The entire earth has been made suitable to offer Salah upon for Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and his Ummah

Can a person with paralysis pray his Salaah in the state of impurity?

Hospital Patient Tayammum Query

Allowed Materials for Tayammum: Can Plaster of Paris be Used?

How should one make wudhu after having cataract surgery?

Omitting Salaah due to illness

Making Tayammum or Wudu without Water

How should a person on drips perform Salaah?

Forgetting the number of rakaats in Salaah due to old age

Making tayammum due to illness or extreme weakness

Unable to perform wudhu and fajr due to illness

Making tayammum at the end of a salaah time

Using a stone or baked brick for tayammum

Does the tayammum also break the same way as wuzu breaks or is it different?

Is there a danger of my mother falling if she performs tayammum?