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Answers with Tag: tawbah

What is the Difference Between ”Tawbah”, ”Inabah”, and ”Awba”?

Using Radhi Allah Anhu (may Allah be pleased with him) for a Non-Companion

Using “Radhi Allah Anhu” for a Non-Companion

Should One Perform Sunna and Nafl Prayers When One Has Many Makeup Prayers?

Repentance and Expiation for a Broken Oath

Jihad, Abrogation in the Quran & the “Verse of the Sword”

Is Expiation (kaffara) Necessary For Not Fasting in Ramadan?

How come an apostate is killed in Islamic Shariah but there’s no compulsion upon other non-Muslims in the State?

Can a person who has comitted apostasy many times, and has done tawbah each time he committed apostasy, still do tawbah for having committed apostasy (again)?

Reward for praying kazaa salat compared to that of regular.

About Quran Majeed

I am having problems with my marriage & iman, please help & advise me.

How long or how many times should I try looking for the person wronged by me in order to ask for their forgiveness?

Are we punished in this life or merely tested?

Marriage problem