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Answers with Tag: tawaf

Is it allowed to kiss the Hajr-e-Aswad outside of times when one is performing tawaf?

Is Hajj/Umrah valid if a person has the above problem?

Is salah after tawaf wajib for 4 Umrahs I’ve done?

What’s the difference between a horizontal and vertical black stone?

Can I go to Makkah for a job interview without Ihram?

Is it necessary to perform iztiba during all 7 rounds of tawaf during Umrah and Hajj?

Is it permissible to wear leather socks while performing the rituals of Hajj or Umrah?

Is our hajj valid despite the delay in Rami?

Is Tawaaf-e-Qudoom Sunnah or Wajib? Who can perform Tawaf-e-Qudoom?

Sisters performing Hajj without a mahram

I did half tawaf and came back. Any recompense?

Sweat problems and dua to remove bad odour

What is the difference between the ihram of a man and a woman?

Is it OK to do Tawaf after Asr time?

Tawaaf and Saee for Baby