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Answers with Tag: tabligh

What should I do to ensure my worship is accepted by the Prophet (pbuh)?

Can you prove that you are going out for prescribed periods?

How can I decide which Islamic organization to join to work in the way of Allah?

How can I get rid of Satan’s influence and find peace?

What does my dream of the Prophet S.A.W, my father, and a red sofa mean?

Is it necessary to have ikhlas for Allah to accept Tabligh work?

In my office area, are all the Imams who like to do qiyam and Ya Nabi Salamu Alaika?

Is Seh Roza, Chehla, 4 months, 1 Year, or 7 months Tableegh un-Islamic?

Is my daily SMSing of hadith/verses jaiz or najaiz?

Can Durood be sent from anywhere, but Salam only at the Prophet’s grave?

Is it permissible for me to study at a madrasa in India, Pakistan, or Turkey?

Is going in jamat a biddah or one of the biggest sunnahs?

Is Umar (Radhiallahu Anhu) coming to meet us after I shouted his name outside?

What does my dream of meeting a Sheikh at a railway station and trying to hire a taxi for Markaz Nizamuddin mean?

Will Allah give a greater paradise to one who has faith equal to a grain of mustard seed?