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Answers with Tag: sunnah

Meaning of ‘Ulumul Hadith and Usulul Hadith

How to classify a deed as Sunnah or Mustahab?

A narration on the virtue of assisting one’s spouse

A Masnun du’a for examinations?

Drinking milk before sleeping

Eating something sweet before a meal

Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would accept gifts and give something in return

Being unmindful of etiquette leads to being deprived of carrying out obligatory actions

Switching on the lights at Maghrib time

‘O Allah, Adorn and beautify us with Iman, make us rightly guided’

Fabricated Hadith with a trustworthy chain of narrators

Explanation of the Hadith on practicing on a tenth only

How to hold the miswak

Virtue of propagating Hadith

Hadith on the virtue of offering the four Sunnah of ‘Asr