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Answers with Tag: sunnah

Should I continue my habit of reciting the following mamoolat?

Marriage in the Month of Muharram

What is a Valid Nikah?

When Walima should be done, Can both parties split the cost of the Walima?

Making I’tikaaf at home in order to take care of old mother

Missing the Takbeerat of Salah

Swallowing one’s saliva while fasting; i’tikaaf or jamaat

Completely removing the moustache

Reward of Marriage

What to recite after yawning; woman untying her hair for wudhu; reciting Qur’aan during janaabah

Committed kufr by taking Italian citizenship

Hadith: I have left behind two things

Performing Taraweeh in sets of fours

Is it permissable to attend a Nikat at a Function hall?

Can a woman go to have a shower during her Ramadhan I’tikaf?