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Answers with Tag: sunnah

Commanding the Good & Forbidding the Evil, And The Honor of Scholars

Pre-Fard Sunnas if the Fard (or Khutba of Friday) Starts?

Dancing in private for one’s spouse

Gargling during wudu?

Gathering to Recite Qur’an

Skipping the Friday Prayer

RE: Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Shaykh Nazim, and the Encyclopedia of Islamic Doctrine and Beliefs…

The Fiqh of Friday Prayer 

What is the ruling on standing with all your body parts facing the Qibla in prayer? Is there a

What is the proof for the way Hanafi men place their hands under their navels in prayer?

When does the time for maghrib expire? Is it when Isha comes in?

Sexual therapy and medicine before marriage

What is the correct way to sit in prayer for men?

Ensuring prayer lines are aligned

Is it permissible to pray missed salah instead of Sunnah mu’akkada salah?