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Answers with Tag: shirk

I have question regarding Question# 6133 The word “Sufism” was known at the time of the Messenger or the Sahaabah or the Taabi’een ?

To secure our house of evil spirits once and for all, a pious (shi’rkless) Alim has provided some nails to be nailed into the corners of the house. Is this practice Shariahtically acceptable?

When we request people to make Du’aa for us, or for a particular issue we are facing, are we committing shirk in any way by (a) telling others about our difficulties, (b) using the help of others?

Is it permissible to say “Maula Ali”?

How do you explain to a

Can we make dua with washila of the Prophet s.a.w or pious person ?

Assalamu ‘alaikum Mufti Saheb Information on tawassul and dhikr

I live in US ,Is it permissible to buy Indian Products which have thier idols printed on the bag

Can struggling for some kind of dunya affair like Basketball team be shirk?

Is it true that the prophet said u shudnt wear taweez’s bcoz u’ll rely on it to stop u from doing bad things when really u shud only ask Allah to help u.

My question is on repentance and disbelief. Are people who commit disbelief unknowingly considered kuffar? Will they spend an eternity in Hell?

I have a beard but you can see the skin underneathe does this area have to be washed during wudu

What is your view on the concept of intercession?

Do we say Prophets were sinless?

Suyuti, Qadi Ayad, Ali Qari, Abdul Haq, Shah Waliullah all say that the Prophet is Haadir wa Naadir. The above Ulema believe that the Prophet is Omnipresent.