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Answers with Tag: shirk

Is believing in Allah as multiple entities a form of shirk?

A Question of Tafsir

Is Not Voting in the Elections Sinful?

Saying Ya Rasul Allah.

Did Nabi (Sallallahi Alayhi Wa Sallam) perform any Umrah in his early Makkan life in the presence of idols?

Is it permissible to play counter-strike?

“Happy New Year!”

I know taking oath from other than Allah is haram. Does this include Qur’an. Is there any shirk involved here?

I am a 12 year old girl.I mistakenly said my freind that you are a goddess of beauty.is this shirk?wht should i do.i feel very sorry for that.

I have commited a shirk , When I was 17 or 18 years old I had been to a small temple with one of my Hindu friends and I threw some flowers on it.

What is the limit of allah’s forgiveness

The name محمد (Mohammad) is written on rugs of a mosque where hundreds of Muslims come to pray every day. Many of them un-knowingly and un-intentionally steps on the respected name.

I would like to know it is allow to ask our requirement to peer/wali/auliya who is in blessed grave, are they able to help us, if yes please dalil, if they are not able to help us why maulana qasim nanotvi saheb…

If Dajjal is pre-destined to be evil and to create havoc on earth, will he be judged and go to Jahannam on the Day of Qiyamah? Shaytaan will definitely go because he directly disobeyed Allah SWT…

Are my parents doomed to etenal hellfire even though they lived good, decent lives, believed in one God, even allowed their son to become a muslim? Is this ISLAM? Please i need to know that this is not our religion.