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Answers with Tag: shaving

Since it is prohibited and sinful to trim the beard lesser than one fist, can I shave my beard

Whats the difference between the Hajj of a Hanafi muqallid and a ghayr muqallid?

What is the Islamic ruling on shaving the beard?

Trimming moustache before shaving hair in Umrah

Shaving pubic hair of elderly father

Second Tawaf before Saee or shaving hair

Mutamatti enters Hajj Ihram before shaving or trimming hair

Area of pubic hair

Virgin Beard: To Shave or Not to Shave on Your Wedding Night?

Removing hairs with fire

When should one begin removing unwanted hair?

Fluid coming out after ghusal

Shaving one’s own head after hajj

Salaah of a person who shaves his beard

Trimming an uneven beard