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Answers with Tag: Shariah

Is it the ligitimate sons resposibility to look after this child ( he is 20 years of age ) or must he look after himself?

Im doing partnership business with two of my colleagues who are non-muslims( hindus)…

Can mufti saheb please explain what is kheer puri? some one told my mother about it. i told her its bid’ah …

Can we take up these courses for our studies in proffessional courses includes study and application of intrest…

Are these mentioned in shariah

“Today (15th Rajab) at the time of Magrib 10 time reciting of Surah Fatiah will be equal of Sadqa of a equal to wight of land .”

Can i salaam to a girl whom i dont know

Is there any significance to dream interpretation in Islam?

In this instance where my ultimate goal is to work in Islamic Finance would it be permissible for me to work for a non shariah compliant bank/investment company?

I want to know if there is such a thing as a conditional nikka where the boy & girl live apart but at their parents homes.

How long a woman can stay at her parents place after nikkah without RUKHSATI…in this condition who is sinful? husband , parents of the woman, or the woman?

If a Muslim woman is involved with non muslim man his religion being “Sikh” and they want to get married…will they be allowed to get married under Shariah.

I want to know what is the minimum length of male private part one should have to be able to have intercousre with his wife according to shariah?

Please advise if it is permissible for women to wear leather clothings?

I am maintaining an account with Meezan Bank in Pakistan. Meezan Bank claims to be the first non-ribaa bank in Pakistan…But, sometime ago I was told by a Mufti saheb that it is not a riba-free as claimed and I should not utilise the profit which is added to my account at the month ends.