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Answers with Tag: Shafi

Shafi Joining Salaah on a Journey

I live in Cape Town and planning to go on holiday to Johannesburg  (travelling by car). My question: 1. Can I perform qasr (shortened salaah) and Jama Salaah (joining two salaahs) while travelling to Joburg? 2. I’m staying in Joburg for 4 days, can I perform qasr and Jama salaah during my stay? I’m Shaafi.

Make-up in Iddat

Divorce and Shafi Iddat

My question is related to the correct way to calculate Zakaat. I follow the Shafi mathab. My main confusion is the “one year must elapse” on funds for them to be included as Zakatable assets?

Covering Face in Shafi Math-hab

Fitra and Fidya for 2009

Wudhu and Washing Child

Following Different Mat-hab

Why Call Yourself Hanafi/Shafi’i, Why Not Just Muslim?

Pointed Toes, and No Recital for Followers

What’s wrong with Backgammon? RE: [Hanafi] The Fiqh of Sports and Games

Thighs getting uncovered and understanding the related hadiths

Does a Shafii who became Hanafi have to make up missed witr? And what about witr prayed as one

A comprehensive book of supplications