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Answers with Tag: scarf

1. If there is a Quran in a room, should one keep their feet below that level in respect of the Quran? Or is it just prohibited to keep ones feet from facing it?

What is Qasidah-Burdah or Burdah-Sharif? Can you also say some’ about the author. What aspects of Shirk are in it?

I do not want to cause marital discord because of my dressing. She suggested I wear pants and tops and dress in a modern fashion. Since then my husband has also voiced occasional dissatisfaction

What is the concept of full hijab in Islam and what are the punishments for not following it?

Can women perform zikr and darood without a headscarf at home?

What does my dream of two former colleagues trying to remove my hijab mean?

Is it advisable to wear a wig on a bald head in Saudi Arabia?

Is it permissible for a woman to wear skin tight pajamas and jeans that cover her legs?

Can I trim my hairs without cutting them?

Is it ok to talk to non-mehrams with hair/face covered at home?

Is a woman’s salah valid if her neck, hair, or skin is visible?

Is it permissible for a working woman to wear Islamic attire outside?

Can a woman ride bicycle

I have a question concerning hijab when leaving the home in hostile places. I reside in the US, and where I live is a place ( US State) where there are a lot of fundamentalist Christians that hate Islam and Muslims. Most of the time, I have to go out alone because of the type of work my husband does, and I don’t have any Muslim relatives. I have been wrapping my scarf or wearing a hat and dressing modestly. I cover everything except my ears, face, and hands. I dress in a way that doesn’t traditionally point out the fact that I am Muslim. I don’t know if this is ok under my circumstances. I need some insight on this matter. Also, I cover this way with my husband. There are radical groups here that are capable of hurting whole families. We are unable to relocate, even if we move a couple states away we have the same problem. This section of the US, where we live, is known as very racist and the major states in which fundamentalist Christians reside. Moving further North or out West is economically impossible for us.

How did Allah produce and bring about the world?