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Answers with Tag: sajda

Forearm Placement in Sujood: What’s the Right Way for Women?

Reciting softly in jahri Salaah

Performing nafil Salaah sitting on a chair

Masbooq making a mistake in his missed rakaats

Forgetting to recite a Surah in the third rakaat of Sunnat Salaah

Imaam forgetting to sit for Qa’da-e-ula

Sajda-e-Sahw: When and How to Perform it in Prayer?

Method of performing Sajda-e-tilaawat

Forgetting to recite dua-e-qunoot in witr Salaah

Sitting on a chair and performing Salaah due ot back pain

Beginning of Asr time according to Hanafi Mazhab

Performing sajdah tilaawat if it is transmitted live

Making Sajdah Tilaawat after Fajr and Asr Salaah

Reciting a Surah in the third and fourth rakaat of fardh Salaah

Performing sajdah tilaawat whilst seated in a car