Home » Posts tagged 'repent' (Page 25)

Answers with Tag: repent

Pride/Vanity is worse than minor sins

Whoever carries out five deeds will not be deprived of five things

Clarification regarding the Hadith ‘Whoever initiates a sin is also sinful when others follow’

A du’a after wudu

An incident regarding Abu Sufyan (radiyallahu ‘anhu) at the conquest of Makkah

Fear of shirk – or OCD thoughts?

Imam Abu Haneefah seeing major sins being washed through wudhu’

Tawbah and Kaffarah after committing a sin

Aqa‘id (Beliefs)

Slandering/Gheebat and Buhtan


Relationship with Non Muslim Girl

Divorce by Explicit Words

The man who murdered ninety nine people

An unauthentic virtue of reciting Surah Tahrim