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Answers with Tag: Relatives

What does the girl’s dream of two snakes coming from her house mean?

Can you explain a dream of discussing religion with an elder brother on an old house’s terrace at night, watching the moon?

Should I marry my widowed cousin in secret, even though I’m already married and she has a daughter and son-in-law?

Is blood donation permitted in Islam?

Is it possible to transfer reward/nekiyan or sawab to a deceased relative in the light of Shariah?

Must marriage partners disclose urine dribbling and zina?

Do I need to shorten my prayers when travelling to Bangladesh?

What is the ruling of a female unmarried girl working in another country away from home without any mahram?

Is it permissible to have a non-Muslim marriage before the nikah?

Is it permissible for a woman to go without a mehram?

Can I combine this year’s zakah with next year’s to help a relative in need?

Who is allowed to recite Quran for a marhoom in order to send blessings upon them?

What is the importance of Walimah (occasion just after the day of marriage)?

What can be done to resolve the misunderstanding between the married couple and ensure the girl’s happiness?

Can a woman without a mahram go on pilgrimage?