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Answers with Tag: relationship

Three years ago I accepted marraige Proposal via internet live talk to a Muslim from Pakistan. As of this wrting we are still commnication very often and as of yet I am still not married…

1. Is my Bayt valid as i had doubts regarding my intentions at that time and even now … 2. Is it possible to change ones spiritual guide (after bayat is taken) to someone else whom one can easily contact 3. Can I take a second bayat online from Mufti Ebrahim Desai whom I can contact through email as well

1. A taxi driver who drops a passenger to a night club, pub or casino whether he knows the intention of the passenger or not ….2. A taxi driver picking a female passenger:

What is the ruling of a woman whose husband perceives her to be disobidient and one who raises her voice at her husband?

Justa quick question, i had a verbal quarrel with my wife and i asked her in urdu “if you so tired of me let me know and i will free you with three words” Does that break my nikkah

Five years ago, I (lender) loaned my brother in law (debtor) a large sum of money. Recently, while learning about debts, and the serious consequences of having debt, I decided to request from my brother in law…

Is favoritism amongst ones children allowed in Islam?

I want to know that is our marriage relationship is still valid or not?

I am a Buddhist and the woman I am in love with is Muslim. We’ve been in this relationship for more than 3 years and we believe our relationship is something real special,

My Husband and I have a very difficult relationship with his family. His Family moved to Pakistan 4 years ago, and think that my husband is wrong to continue living in a non-muslim country….My question is, is it haraam for us to continue to live in England?

Can A Muslim Man Have a intimacy with a girl before marriage to show her that he love her.If NO can He Kiss her.And If no can he talk to her about the marriage and can he say that I LOVE YOU.

Do children need to stay at home and look after their parents even thou it causes upset to the individual? What does Islam say about looking after your elderly parents and still living at home ?

Is it allowed to have any kind of relationship – like friendship/family contact / business partnerships- with Qaidiyanis?

I want to know that do I really not allowed to see her face while we meet somewhere in the context of Islam?

What actions can one do to bring relationship closer to Allah. and as a student what best advice can be given to increase ilm as well as A’mal.