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Answers with Tag: Ramadan

How to seek forgiveness and make up for sex during fasting?

What should you do if you earn a lot of money but don’t share it with the needy?

Can you break your fast if you start your period while fasting?

Do I have to make up missed Ramadan fasts before fasting in Shawwal?

Do I need to fast again or wait 40 days after giving birth and experiencing bleeding during Ramadan?

Islamic obligations when dehydrated and fatigued while fasting in Ramadan?

Is fasting in the last few days of Sha’baan forbidden by Prophet S.A.W?

What are the basics of Rashidi religion and does it align with traditional Islamic practices?

Does dying in Ramadan guarantee entry to heaven?

What to do with Ramadan timetable and Bismillah items after Eid?

Who passed away first, Abi-Talib or Khdija, the uncle and wife of the Prophet (pbuh)?

What should be done if someone eats in front of a fasting person?

Can I help my mother in the kitchen for an hour during Itikaf while reciting Quran?

Is taraweeh namaz fard, sunat, or nafl when making intention at the start?

Can I recite Surah Yaseen in the first rakah of taraweeh and a different Surah in the second rakah?