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Answers with Tag: Ramadan

What is the rule for the duration of I’tikaaf and is there a minimum or maximum time limit?

Does using an asthma inhaler break your fast?

Can we use air freshener during Ramadan?

Is the bed clean for me and my wife to sleep on during Ramadan?

Does intentional ejaculation during Ramadan fasting require kaffarah?

Can you please answer the questions below with regards to fasting?

Is Kaffara Necessary for not Fasting in Ramadhan ?

Swallowing One’s Own Saliva whilst Fasting

In the areas that are situated on extreme latitudes, you mentioned that there are four methods of calculating the times for the Eisha and Fajr prayers. How would these times be used for fasting in Ramadan? It seems that any of the methodologies enumerated could result in 20+ hour fasts, which does not seem reasonable for an entire month of fasting. It may become very difficult for one to fast for 20 hours and more.

The Night of 27th Rajab.

Having Sex During the Nights of Ramadhan

I would like to ask you a few questions that are bothering me concerning Ramadhan. Firstly, if me and my husband are not married, are we allowed to kiss after sunset? Secondly, when we are married, are we allowed to kiss, have sexual intercourse or practice any sexual touching after sunset? Thirdly, is it allowed for him to perform the journey to Arabia during Ramadhan? Fourthly, can he kiss me on my cheek before sunset? Are we allowed to hug before sunset? And lastly, I would like to ask you how to stand by him and how to be supportive of him during the month of Ramadhan? It is difficult for me and I seem to cry most of the time which makes him feel bad and makes his fasting even harder for him.  Please if you have any advice for me, I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you.

Kaffarah for intentionally broken or missed fast: Do you have to do sixty consecutive days of fasting for a single intentionally broken or missed fast?

I have giving my wife three divorces sarcastically without any intention. Does the divorce take place?

Accepting a gift for taraweeh