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Answers with Tag: rakaat

Joining the Imam in salah

How can a person with a back problem perform Rukhu and Sajdah?

Can Qunoot An Nazila be done in Jummuah Salah?

What is the ruling of Basmallah in Salaah?

What is the ruling of Sajdah Tilawaat and its method?

Is there evidence to show Tashahhud after Sajdah Sahw?

If one misses some rakaats in Taraweeh, does he has to make up the missed rakaats?

What is the ruling on a person staying in a position in congregation longer than the Imam?

How To Perform Qaza Of Fajr

A Clarification On Method Of Performing Salatus Tasbeeh

Is it permissible to recite an Aayat from one Surah (eg Aayatul Kursi) then an Aayat from another Surah? If it is, what are the protocols that should be observed?

Wudhu And Salaah Of A Ma’zoor (Excused Person).

Sajdatus Sahwi In Eid Salaah

Qadha Salaah Of A Musaafir (Traveller)

Making Intention For Taraweeh Salaah