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Answers with Tag: rakaat

Forgetting the number of rakaats in salaah

Forgetting to sit for tashahhud in the last rakaat of Asr Salaah

Performing the sunnah of Asr in the makrooh time

Making one istikharah for multiple purposes

Reciting attahiyyaat instead of Surah Fatihah

Missing the sunnats before fajr and zuhr

Mistakenly performing three rakaats instead of four rakaats

Imaam informing the congregation that the salaah has to be repeated

Remaining silent when performing salaah behind the imaam

Joining Jamaat Late: Ruling on Missing Surah Fatiha in Qiyam

Informing the congregation to repeat a salaah

Doubting whether one read tasbeeh in sajdah correctly

Forgetting to recite a surah in the 3rd rakaat of sunnah salaah

Performing waajibut tawaaf out of the haram or in one’s home country

Unauthentic narration regarding qaza namaaz