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Answers with Tag: rakaat

When should a masbooq stand up to complete the missed rakaats?

How should a late comer complete the jumuah and eid salaah?

Forgetting to recite qunoot in witr salaah

Making qadha of salaah missed while travelling

Making intention of two rakaats sunnah after Jumuah instead of four

Making the intention of Zuhr salaah when performing Asr salaah

Performing shukar salaah few times a day

Managing Salaah with Chronic Pain: Tips and Advice

Skipping a few aayaat in qiraat

Performing salaah behind the imaam in Musjid Namirah during hajj

Musaafir mistakenly performing four rakaats instead of two

Not reciting bismillah in salaah

Forgetting how many rakaats one performed

Reciting Behind the Imam: Guidelines for Zuhr, Asr, Fajr, Maghrib, and Esha Prayers

Reciting Surah Faatihah after Tashahhud