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Answers with Tag: rakaat

Is praying sunna muaakada sitting down useless?

Late to Masjid, congregation in Sajda, how catch up on fardh salah?

How many rakats will I offer in Qasr while praying behind the Imam: 2 or 4 rakats?

Is it permissible to pray irregularly?

Tahajjud in congregation during last 10 nights of Ramadan with 2 rakahs witr and 1 rakah after salaam, despite Hanafi and Shafai Imams?

What should be read in the second Rakah of Taraweeh while sitting?

What is the leading prayer according to Shafi’i maslak?

Is it necessary to make a separate prayer if you missed an Isha salah jamat?

What is the procedure for making up missed prayers (Salah) when travelling?

Is it permissible to recite different surahs in each of the four rak’ah of a sunnah prayer?

Can Qaza-e-Umari replace Sunnat-e-Muwakkidah in Zuhr, Asar, Isha, and Fajr salah?

Is Sana mandatory when joining late behind the Imam?

How is namaz performed during eclipses?

Isha in Delhi: Qasr or Muqim?

Are we supposed to pray 4 separate rakahs for the Sunnah before Asr and Isha or just one 4 rakah salah?