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Answers with Tag: Qurbani

If one person in the family is giving qurbani do the other family members have to do qurbani as

The Fiqh of the Qurbani of Eid-ul-Adha

If qurbani is wajib, is one required to make qada for neglecting this obligation in the past? I

Selling the skin of the sacrificed animal (udhiya)

What Do I Do if I Missed Slaughtering (Qurbani/Udhiya)?

Is There a Difference of Opinion on Whether Slaughtering (Qurbani/Udhiya) is Necessary, and How Does One Deal With Years of Makeups?

Does One Have to do Udhiya/Qurbani for One’s Young Children?

Can Qurbani (Udhiya) Be Done In a Different Country?

Bringing Barakah Into Your Wealth and Life

Shaafi’ee Madhab questions –

Is it permissible to do Qurbani in India?

What are the implications of sending money from Dubai to Pakistan for qurbani?

Can money designated for AQIQA be given to a needy person to fulfill the obligation?

Can Qurbani Khall money be used for Mosque expenses?

Is it permissible for an organisation to take a profit from qurbani without disclosing the amount?