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Answers with Tag: Quran

Can we read Quran while we sleep on our mobile devices?

Can we pray namaz behind an Imam who has all Islamic Degrees but not Hafiz-e-Quran?

Is it safe to pray without washing off a lion cub’s saliva?

Is working in a cinema permissible?

Is medical insurance halal in Islam for Tanzanians facing high medical costs?

Is it permissible to pray namaz with a half-sleeved t-shirt?

What does it mean when my deceased father asks me for money?

Are there any known instances of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) sending a caravan for Muslim rectifications (islah)?

Is it true that reciting Surah Rahman 11 times and making dua will cause it to be accepted?

Is Nouman Ali Khan’s Tafseer on bayyinah.tv a good source of knowledge?

Can we read the Quran near a deceased person’s body?

What are the significant events that take place during the first 10 days of Dhul al-Hajj?

What is the difference between offering salah behind Hanafi and Shafai Imam?

Is there a proof that rewards can be sent to the dead after reading the Holy Quran?

Can zakah be used to fund a Quran teaching institute?