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Answers with Tag: Quraan

Belief in one god

Does a person have to be in wudhu to read 4 qul or ayutal kursi without holding Quran

Receiving awards in a Quraan Competition

Looking at the proposed spouse for the second time

Is it a sin if one fails to wake up for Fajr Salaah?

Is Sadaqalluhu al-‘Azeem Bid’ah?

Qur’aan Khatam For The Deceased

Using PBUH or other initials or letters instead of writing out Darood.

Wudhu with permeable nail polishes.

Ruling on cannabis/marijuana and its medical usage.

Touching words of The Quraan on a mobile in the state of impurity.

What is the ruling on the turban like scarf nowadays?

Can one take mobile phones containing Quraan into the Bathroom?

Dua for the deceased during burial

Reading Quraan sitting on a bed.