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Answers with Tag: Quraan

In your opinion, is there such a thing that if a person makes dua to ALLAH (without durood)..then that dua will be weak

I would like to know the Shariahs point of view about female drivers and what are the limitations ?Kindly substantiate your answer with Hadith and/or Quraan.

Is Sajdah-tilawat allowed during prohibited times? do we need to be in wudu at the time of doing sajdah?

In order to fulfil Islamic and South African law, what type of contract should be drawn up, i.e ANC or community of property, between a husband and wife?

Please tell me any way/ and Dua to wake up in the middle of the night and offer the Tahajjud prayer and read Quran and wake up for Fajr Prayer as it is in Surah Muzammil.

Nazar from aggrieved family without child.

Ya Shaykh, what if a person is in search of truth and goes astray? I want to learn about Islam, i live in UAE, do you know anyone from UAE who can help me?

I would like to view the site which offers the information on the numerical miracles of The Quraan and would also like to know whether this information is reliable.

When you come across a sajdah ayaat in the quraan, whilst listening to it on tape, do you have to preform a sajdah tilawat?

How do I deal with parents that are not as religious as I am and are asking me to do haram things?

Can you recommend any books in English to learn Arabic.

Whilst in Makkah in Ramadhan is it better to do nafil tawaf , do umra or recite the Quraan please answer in order of preference ?

Where is Allah SWT?

In regards to question number 188 – ‘Can a Sunni man can marry a Shia girl?’ The answer was no.

How do I dispose of papers with ayats from the Quraan on them? These are mis-prints of some papers I was printing and also some books in very bad condition which are almost unreadable.