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Answers with Tag: Quraan

Quranic Prohibition on Women’s Haircutting: What’s the Basis?

Dictionaries for the Holy Quran

What wazifa can I read for a baby boy?

Miscellaneous questions on Sadqhe jariyah.

Why do we need fixed Imaams and why pay them?

Dua for depression

Is it permissible for a woman to read books of hadith in the state of haidh?

Revenge is sweet

Reciting Qur’ān during hayd as a ruqyah against jinns

1. Is a woman in haidh allowed to recite surahs from the Quraan from memory? 2. Is it compulsory for females to wear pants when performing salaah? 3. I have a debt to pay. Is it permissable to go for umrah if someone else is paying for my trip?

A Taraweeh Service Fee

Is crab Halaal?

The recitation of “Sadaqallahul Azeem” after completing the recital of the Quraan is not a Sunnah

Quran Competitions

Listening to Quraan while Exercising