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Answers with Tag: Quraan

Allah Ta’ala protecting the Quraan

Women reciting Qur’an without socks

Reciting Quraan without wudhu

Looking in the Quraan while performing salaah

Self study of the Quraan

Descension of Isa (alaihis salaam)

Imagining what Allah Ta’ala looks like

Reciting Quraan at the time of zawaal

Reciting Quraan while one is in need of fardh ghusal

When can a person who takes drugs perform Salaah and recite Qur’an?

Is there more reward in reciting the Quraan in Arabic or English?

Best time to recite Quraan

Daily a’maal to be practised with one’s family

Reciting the Quraan Shareef in one sitting

Waswasa regarding the Quraan