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Answers with Tag: qada

Is My Prayer Valid If I Only Have the Time to Say the Tahrima before the Time Exits?

Is an Indexed Loan Akin to Unlawful Usury?

What’s the Point in Supplicating?

Missed Fajr Prayer in Germany: Is Praying Qada at 8:30am Allowed?

Reciting Surah Faatiha in qadah or reciting At-Tahiyyaat at the beginning of any rakaat

Does one have to make qadha of the Witr Salaah if the Esha Salaah was not valid

Qada of Fasting: Dealing with Discharge After Periods

Praying 4 Rakats After Dhur: Same as Before?

Holding a hanky in one’s hand and performing Salaah

Sunan-e-Muakkadah and Sunan Ghair Muakkadah

Wudhu breaking after saying “Assalamu Alaykum”

Dua’ for a Job

I get proposals from men who are not suitable for me. What should I do?

Please inform me about the rules related to itikaf for women?

If one becomes a traveler [musafir] after dawn does he have to fast that day in Ramadan?