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Answers with Tag: purchaser

For army we have a CSD department which sells cars on higher purchase concept. Installments with different combinations of down payment are distributed over different years.

Murabaha transaction – Can the creditor take over the collecting of the rentals until the debt is repaid?

Is it permissable to have bonds and shares?

Is it haraam to own a stock for a short time? Pls see the attached and comment.

786. Please can you give me the hadith which says something to the effect of : reward for accepting a returned item.

The Reader’s Digest has been offering me participation in numerous contests as I was/am a regular purchaser of their publications. The prizes are in cash and/or kind. Can I enter such contest?

My questions are in terms of selling products and services that may indirectly lead to sins but the choice is how the purchaser or user uses it?

Do my sisters have a right to claim a share in the house bought by my mother and given to me?

Murabaha House-Financing When Deferred Payments are not fixed

Attributing a Sale to a Future Date.

Is it Necessary to declare all Defects/Faults when Selling an Item?

There are two types of bonds: 1) Prize Bonds £1 buys you 1 bond. No interest is accumulated or paid. You are always able to redeem your bonds for cash – the same amount as you paid originally. Periodically, a number of ‘prizes’ are distributed and every bond has an equal chance of winning a prize. You may win much or nothing. But you cannot lose your investment. 2) “Bonds” in the traditional sense You can purchase, for example, government bonds whereby you invest £1000, on which the government will guarantee you a 4% annual return. There is no doubt that that number 2 is purely riba-based and hence haram as you have mentioned previously on your website. My question is whether number 1 is also haram?

How does one pay zakat oncredits extended to the purchaser at sale (“debts receivables” or “accounts receivables”)?

1)Is purchase from drop shipping permissible? 2)Where should the non-baligh children stand in Jama’at.

Is it permissible to sell bottled sea water that people may use in religious rituals?