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Answers with Tag: puberty

Does One Perform Make-Ups or Pay Expiation for Days Not Fasted

Children in the Masjid: The fiqh of children standing in the prayer lines

Is zakat due on funds kept as a trust for one’s child?


The Legal Penalty for Stealing

Covering the Feet for Women: If by the Prophet to only show hands and face how come the Hanafi madhab allows this

If one has not paid zakat for several years, how does one go about calculating it?

Age for children to start covering awra?

Inheritance: Do We Give My Little Brother His Large Inheritance Share?

How can a male orphan become one’s mahram? And what are his rights? And what is the sunna way o

Reaching Puberty

When does it become obligatory for a girl to wear the hijab and when does it become obligatory

Should a ten-year old boy perform Friday prayer at the mosque, or should he pray Zuhr at home?

Age of Mahram and Women’s Travel

When Does it Become Obligatory to Pray?