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Answers with Tag: Prophets

Is it permissible for a woman to use the eggs of another woman to conceive?

Information about the Prophet Sheeth, alayhi assalaam.

Mustaqarr al arwāh (abode of the souls)

How to dispose of old Islamic literature.

The Prophet Shuaib alayhi assalaam

Mistakes of Tablighis

Can children watch Disney?

Miscellaneous acts done over the grave

Is it permissible to give a cat a Muslim name?

What are some meaningful names you would recommend for a baby boy and a baby girl?

What is the meaning of the name NEHAN?

What is the meaning of “Eishal” or Eishaal”?

Can you keep any name in Islam, even if it was given by idol-worshipping parents?

Salaam, i have cousin brother who is in prison for sexual abusing his daughters for a long time but he says he is innocent , what does islam says about this?

Shaving beard for sister’s marriage