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Answers with Tag: pregnant

Hadiths on ‘Iddah

I’m pregnant, do I have to fast? (Hanbali Fiqh)

If an unmarried woman fell pregnant out of the wedlock of Nikah, can she marry the biological father of the child and would the child be illegitimate? 

Does my unborn child inherit from my husbands estate?

Does divorce take place if a husband simply leaves his wife?

What is the status of a Khula’ divorce? 

What is the ruling of fasting for a woman who is pregnant?

The Iddah period for a woman who is pregnant? 

Is there any way for abortion in our shariah?

Want to know about the ligation of a mother after two cesarean section delivery

Permissibility of fasting during pregnancy

Is it permissible to breastfeed a 10 Month old baby whilst pregnant? 

If ones husband leaves the fold of Islam and dies whilst the ex-wife is observing the Iddah period, does the Iddah period of the ex-wife change and does she inherit from the ex-husbands estate? 

Can a pregnant woman sit and perform Salaah? 

Pregnant women observing the fast.