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Answers with Tag: permissibility

Is it permissible to be a ghost writer?

If a person breaks his wudu, will it sufficient for him to merely wipe his feet or does he have to do the entire wudu over?

Gold items for men

Is it permissible to become a lawyer?

Is it permissible to practice give Botox injections, facial peels, dermabrasions. Mostly, its done for patients to look younger and good looks. How about for medical sickness?

Is eating prawns halaal or makroo

Regarding fatwa no. 19138, isn’t otoplasty surgery a cosmetic surgery? Is cosmetic surgery permissible? Can one undergo surgery to rectify abnormal looking nose or chin?

Is vegetarian pork halāl? It is 100% animal free and made from soya.

Many Qaris recite the Qur’an using musical patterns known as Maqamaat (definition). I found the following rulings about the use of maqamaat in recitation on line, which indicate its impermissibility. The statement of Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd regarding this, that it invalidates a …

In which hand should we wear our watch? Is it permissible to wear it in our left hand?

Could you confirm if there is an opinion of permissibility on crabs as per your Fatwa # 18321?

Is it allowed to simulate physics as a programmer?


Is it halal to use this kind of debit card?

I would like to know that if we read Quran and ask Allah to send sawab to all Muslims and my relatives including my parents who are no more, will the sawab only go to my parents or to all the rest too ?