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Answers with Tag: permissibility

Permissibility of Jum’a Salat at other Locations 

What do you have to do if you find hair in food after you have cooked it?

Women’s Prayer: Why is it different?

Permanent Hair Removal 

Dua al Qunut 

Is it wrong to wear short-sleeved shirts? 

Permissibility of silk for women

How can the sunna of Fajr be permitted once the fard congregation starts if the Prophet forbade it?

The Fiqh of Ritual Slaughter (Udhiya/Qurbani)

Impermissibility of performing prostration during menstruation

Permissibility of educational pictures

Women’s Congregational Prayer in the Hanafi School

Killing Mice and Pests & The Impermissibility of Harming Animals or Making Them Suffer

The Ruling of Wiping Over Footgear (khuffs)

Bread yeast, alcohol, and permissibility