Home » Posts tagged 'parents' (Page 92)

Answers with Tag: parents

Can I call my father dad or daddy?

Can a lady spend her pregnancy period in her parents`house?

Which language to teach my child

How should we treat our brother who mistreated our mother and repented for his action?

Accepting a marriage proposal

Incident of the Sahabi who couldn’t recite the shahadah at death…

Making one’s parents happy

The reward for parents who have lost three children

Shaving the head in response to calamity

Disobedience to parents is among the most major of sins

Making du’a for one’s parents after Salah

A strange incident of a woman in the time of Sayyidah ‘Aaishah (radiyallahu’anha)

A man’s family will lead him to destruction

The letter of Sayyiduna ‘Umar (radiyallahu ‘anhu) to the river Nile

Three pledges that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) took from Sahabah