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Answers with Tag: Mazi

Their are always arguments with my parents because of how much religious I am.

If a person Intentionally rub his private part and due to that reason MAZI come…is it a sin or haram if a person intentionally do all this stuff ?

What is the islamic ruling concerning Wadhi? Is it secreted only after urination or can it be secreted any time of the day?

Regarding Purification Bath after wet dream…In this condition can I just wash my body to attain purity?

What should I do if I unintentionally break the fast?

Why does islam tell us that after getting married hubby and wife when they do sex together they cannot see naked

What nullifies, wudoo ar ghusal ? If I am kissing or hugging to my wife and there is some liquid comes out from my or her private parts then is it nullifies the wudoo or it nullifies the ghusal also?

I m in love with a girl & she also loves me so send me dua plz treat it urgent

When ever I talk on phone or personal with any female in any mood or any topic I use to get wet it’s (mazi) so how do I make my self paak?

Oral Sex With Husband Who Does Not Secrete mazi? permissible

A tiny amount (size of sesame seed) of mazi found on underwear after salah. Absolutely sure that it came out during salah and/or after doing wudu. Is salah accepted?

What is Mani and what is Mazi? Which one requires Ghusl?

I notice some discharge when my husband comes closer to me and intimates me, though our private parts will not get in contact with each other and we’ll not have intecourse… do i need to make ghusk

What is the difference between mani and mazi (define by color too)

If the actual kissing of the private parts is not allowed are we allowed to kiss around the private parts obviously taking care that no liquid (Mazi) gets into the mouth. Is this allowed?