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Answers with Tag: Makkah

What does it mean that Allah comes down on the first heaven on certain nights?

Is it allowed to complete Sa’ee of Hajj after sunset on 12th Zilhajj or later without penalty?

Can I view pictures and videos that are not prohibited content?

Can I take photos of the mosques in Makkah and Madinah?

Can non-Muslims enter a mosque?

What are the reasons for Muslims considering Friday as their holy day?

Can non-Muslims enter Mecca and was Jawahar Lal Nehru allowed entry?

Should I change my name from AbdulMunaf due to its association with a pre-Islamic idol?

What is the Islamic way to dye grey hair?

Why do women in Madina and Makkah wear jeans and tops despite it being impermissible in Islam?

Is there a difference in how men and women perform Salat, and what is the correct way for women?

Can I use black hair dye to cover my white hair at 16?

Can Coca Cola be consumed if its Arabic name excludes “Muhammed and Madina” when upside down?

Is Coca Cola halal or haram due to its 1% alcohol content?

Origin of the black stone?