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Answers with Tag: making

Niyah “Almighty Allah please remove Hazrath Imam Awabeen Kinzab from my path”

I need to know “whether the recitation of the sura ya-sin for a death person (janaza) is beneficial to that person (the niyat is for the deceased person) or to the person who is reading it or for both? your urgent response in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

I had a question regarding the trading of shares … you are selling the right to someone to buy a share off you at a later date at the current price.

I think I am suffering with a lot of waswasas in my salaat. Alhamdulillah I try my best to stay away from wrong things and I am punctual with my 5 times salaat… I am not 100% certain if I have completed all the farz?

Is it possible for a person to commit such a sin (or too many sins) such that he/she is no longer a muslim?

1. n office, we are able to take a loan from our end of service benefits that gets collected and a small percentage of interst is charged…..1.A small amount of brandy (alchohol) is used in making some types of cake. It is not intoxicating as the amount used is little. Is it permissable to eat.

I currently work for a solicitor and have done so for the past 8 years. now my children are at school i want to go back to college and complete my law courses…

I am a male muslim getting ready to move to a new city for school. I am looking to find a place with a friend of mine (who is also a male). We have found many places, but the only ones that we can afford require us to live with others….

For a muslim woman what are the minimum parts of the body that are needed to be covered or what are the maximum parts of the body that are permitted to be exposed for the follwing cases

I want to ask a question regarding the debris of our Old mosque. We are making a new mosque in place of an 100 year old mosque. What should we do to that debris

My question is if i’am allowed to work as a doctor with hijab and niqab,to help the sick in the community. or just leave the profession and stay at home with kids…

How much Information can be determined from Istikhara?

Recently I saw a response on your website indicating that we should not ask from Allah(swt) against something like making a dua that if my so and so request is fullfilled I’ll give charity.

I have a Word for Word Qur’an and i have heard that if we remember all the words from the Qur’an we can understand and speak Arabic,

I would like to know how to make up for this , i have heard about Qadha , but not sure about it , please if you could give me information about all this