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Answers with Tag: making

Celebrating the Milad un Nabi

Inform us about the Battle of Camel – جنگ جمل –

I am engaged to someone and I would like a way of knowing if we are compatible.

Having intense dreams after grandma passed away.

Is it permissible to call the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam Shafi az-Zunub?

Are Muslims allowed to celebrate April Fool’s Day?

The person wants to know if they can marry another man after making Khula

Why is there need for making a Will?

I cannot focus in my Salat.

Is ghusl farz after the coming out of semen?

Does wet dream breaks one’s fast?

The meaning of hearing an owl late at night.

Details about I’tikaaf

Imam standing by the chest of the mayyit in Janazah Salaah

Teeth Adjustment