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Answers with Tag: makeup

Does a Convert Have to Make-Up Past Prayers?

Do You Have to Pray Make Up Prayers in Order?

Can I Pray My Missed Witr Prayers as One Rakat Instead of Three?

Can I Delay Fajr Until Late Morning If I Overslept?

Brief Miscellaneous Q & A Relating to Fasting

Accidental & Forgetful Breaking of the Fast: What Is the Difference?

A Beautician With Non-Hijab Clients: Am I Accountable When They Go Out Uncovered?

Question: Is making up missed prayers necessary?

Do We Need to Remove Makeup When Making Wudu (Shafi’i)?

Does the dissolution of marriage at an American Court effect the Nikah? If so how?

Does qadah salah make up for the obligatory salah?

How can I make up for missing 10 years of fasting?

Is it permissible in Islam for a wife to thread/pluck and maintain herself if her husband allows it?

Should we compromise our principles when threatened?

If a lady does not follow her “iddat” after divorce, how is it?